Saturday, June 6, 2015

Let's Play HOA

Yesterday little Athena suggested that we play a game where she goes to our HOA board and tries to convince them to let us get solar panels.  She had watched me leave in a flurry to go to our HOA meeting on Monday to relieve their fears about allowing solar panels in our community.  So we played!

I sat at the head of our coffee table and played "Mr. Nelson," Athena was me, and Dimitri was the representative from our solar company.

"Why do you want to get solar panels, Ellie?" - Me
"Because they're good for the earth and then we don't have to use nasty coal plants." -Athena
"What do coal plants have to do with it?"
"Coal plants make electricity for our houses and put nasty crap into the air."
"So, how do solar panels make electricity?"
"They use the energy from the sun"
"Ok, well, that sounds really good but what if people think they're ugly?" - Me
"Well," Athena responded as she pulled out my petition, "these people said they don't think it would be ugly."

I laughed.  I hadn't realize how attentively she had been listening to our solar power discussions.

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